To My B.E.A.YOU tiful

its been a journey and not long ago
a special date lead to a future life
we have endured hell and strife
but there has been moments of pure love
so here I humbly pray to the creator above

i get on knees and I say
i pray that he heals our hearts
and removes that which is ripping us apart
i pray that a peace calms our troubled souls
to that i say i would pay any toll

let it be know that its all true
my love for you runs wild and free
and i hope we could build our own famly tree
Forgive me and I shall forgive you
and with this baby lets make a love anew

Fighting through

Just another time, Iam left behind,
used then cast aside, and left to die,
just move on through , while I ponder the truth,
forget me now , please dont ask how ,
just care no more , and settle this score,
watch me break on out , i made death route ,
move on to , I let go of you ,
tears all dry , now i fly ,
away from this , I will be missed ,
to a higher calling , my creator is watching,
down a better path, just do the math ,
iam rising up , once i was ever enough ,
see me soon , in the light of the moon,
broke no more , I repaired my core ,
and with the past behind , I end this rhyme

Joshua Clemons 3/26/16


I was offered sex with one of the hottest 21 year old big booty Latina girls I’ve ever seen in my life today. In exchange for that, I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner. Of course I declined because I am a person with high moral standards with a strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner. Now available with scented lemon or vanilla. Pick it up at an authorized area retailer near you!!!

Reply to a Bernie Hater.

I may not be the best at this but i am definitely a passionate writer.  This was written very quickly so i apologize in advance for the understanding you have on lack of quotes and the such.


socialism is already in this country and has been since the Great Depression. And the only reason this country struggles is because of the cornucopia of different styles of economics and politics constantly at play at the same time. Every other modern country on this plane\t that is socialist succeeds. Mainstream media may portray it otherwise but that is again part of Americas problem. We pay taxes. And a VAST Majority of those go to fund a war machine that true focus is A. Helping the Central banks establish power in countries that did not want them, Obtain and control oil supplies to keep the Dollar strong via the Petro Dollar, and Guarding other corporate interest such as POPPY fields which I have had the conversations with our own troops who were stationed to guard these fields. And that one is what makes everything come full circle. The war on drugs is there to help fund the war on terror. Maybe if we were not a Corporate entity instead of a true republic which ended in 1873, and further so in 1913 then we could get shit back in order. The problem doesn’t end with a new president, it doesn’t end with a new senate, congress, judges s, more oversight on the NSA, CIA or FBI. No it begins with the american populace waking up from the dream and hypnosis that has been implemented into them since they were children. Seeing that the corporations that we purchase goods from our nothing but Psychopathic Heartless deceptive Ass Clowns out for nothing other than another profit margin. When enough citizens say enough is enough. Then we can have change . Oh and the schooling for our college kids, feeding the needy, housing and caring for veterans ASSISTING those who need healthcare . We need to Boycott the Insane amount of healthcare cost in this country.. We need to say no to corporations that get goods solely from oversees, We need to Boycott the plethora of corporations who midslead and offset true profits into accounts out of the USA hands letting them dodge the taxes owed. Socialism in the raw when implemented correctly HAS EXCELLED across the globe. . Minimum wage is a good place to start. People are always asking the wrong questions. Well of course they are they are nothing but walking radio and tv sets spewing regurgitation empty rhetoric that they heard from the magical TV box or radio. When people go Why should mcdonalds worker make 15 an hour when our EMT only 13. How about we ask Why in the hell is the EMT only making 13 when he works in the most lucrative industry out htere. Why is he not make 23 an hour. Additional income brings more taxes and less need for services provided. Maybe then we could help provide for everyone and still be able to leave 80 percent of the budget to blowing up buildings, killing other countries populace and policing the ever so unstable world we live in.

Deep Thoughts

In a society immersed in “Reality TV”, Sex, Idol Worship, materialism, mindless consumption and Greed is it any wonder why nearly everyone I know is Fake, Sociopathic, Narcissistic, Self indulged acquaintances masquerading around as real friends????

Mental Break


Clarity reveals a truth once denied

Iam merely half the soul I once became

the years of sin i did  confide

have left me filled with deepest shame


Heaven seems closer than the man  I once was

Empty Eyes observe mirror light shimmer as I think

am i just this empty thrull living without a cause

or a lost soul about experiencing another mental break

Deep Thoughts.

another sleepless night spent wasting time reading the lives of others while I really have no control over my own life nor am I in the state of mind to figure out the point of my own nor others lives as we continue down the path of oblivion and ignorance being lead to the slaughter by the machine that continues to feed the true basis of our existence to consume, be lead, controlled, and fed the very things we later complain about yet do absolutely nothing of importance or effect to change the way of life of our global issues here on starship earth… ‪#‎deepthought‬‪#‎readintoit‬

New Catchline and Comic

life Beat

No Reply

silence fall upon him after request
nothing more than what he’s came to expect
alone he sits with only the music as friend
knowing that soon his time would end

on the highway to hell and pressing the peddle.
seeing the limits of this souls mettle
will he crash and burn into oblivion
or finally cross the line of ascension

Joshua Clemosn 10-31-15

Hated Questions

One question that really irk’s me. I mean really get under my skin and fester and boils into pure disdain.   So simple of a question yet so loaded.  It in itself imply s a belief onto the receiving party.

“what do you want to be when you grow up?”

and to which i reply

“Who said i want to grow up?”